Monday, 2 August 2004

Listen without prejudice vol.1

The other week I treated myself to a couple of new CDs - a rare occurrence these days, now that I'm a responsible father and provisional taxpayer. So what goodies did I get? Umm, well there was the obvious Keane album (Travis meets Coldplay at a Freddie Mercury convention) but my other purchase was a bit out of the ordinary for me - The Scissor Sisters debut. Which could be described as what the Fab Five would sound like if they were a band rather than straight guy makeover merchants. Or, more charitably, what a bunch of talented and ummm, colourful New Yorkers sound like after overdosing on their parents mid-70s LPs.

Yes, instead of the recent graverobbing of the late-70s practised by the likes of The Strokes and Franz Ferdinand, the Sisters go back a bit further and get their inspiration from prime-period Elton John, Bee Gees, Supertramp and the like. To be honest, not my favourite era, but somehow it works!

The album is currently one of the highest rated on Metacritic, but it does have its flaws. I could do without the three or four falsetto cod-disco numbers, but more restrained songs like Laura, Return to Oz and the single Take Your Mama make this a worthy purchase.

Oh, and I liked the Keane album too.

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