Friday, 14 October 2005

Reasons to be cheerful, Part 1

It's the middle of October already in what history will probably show to be a real downer of a year - natural disasters and terrorism by the bucketload, spiralling fuel costs and Crazy Frog. But avoid the newspapers, kick that six o'clock news habit and hey, life ain't so bad in '05.

One of the best things about this year is the amount of wonderful music that's around at the moment. Here's a wee list of some of the great sounds out there ...

Leaders of the Free World - Elbow (they get better every album)
Illinois - Sufjan Stevens (the musical equivalent of a Garrison Keillor novel)
Funeral - Arcade Fire (can't even begin to describe how wonderful these guys are)
Do You Want To - Franz Ferdinand (haven't heard the rest of the new album but this has to be the pop single of the year)
Chaos and Creation in the Backyard - Paul McCartney (truly a good album - even I didn't think he had it in him)
Fall Heads Roll - The Fall (a return to the clattering rockabilly of the Rough Trade years)

Should really link those titles to Smoke CDs or whatever, but you know what? It's a beautiful day and I really can't be bothered.

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