Friday, 8 June 2007

Five words, that's all we've got...

Couldn't find a video of this on YouTube for some reason, so here's the transcript of David Bowie's acceptance speech for his special achievement award at this year's Webby's:

"I only get five words?"

"Shit, that was five."

"Four more there."

"That's three,""


(Bowie exits the stage)



Harvey Molloy said...

Thanks for this Pete. Maybe it's best that there's no video online. I would only get frustrated as the boys have gobbled up all our broadband allocation for the month.

Anonymous said...

Hiya Harv

Yeah, I have the same problem at home with boys gobbling up broadband - and we're on the 10gig plan!

Anonymous said...
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Harvey Molloy said...

To blog or not to blog, that is the question...

Peter said...

Yeah I know, bloody typical. Start off with the best intentions and then the gap between posts gets longer and longer. Oh well.

Harvey Molloy said...

...whether tis nobler on the blog to suffer the slings and arrows of too frequent postings, or to take arms against a sea of spams and by opposing end them. To blog, to rant, no more. etc etc