Monday, 7 May 2007

100 word review: Favourite Worst Nightmare

To be honest, this is one of those albums that is just a little bit underwhelming at first listen. But then after a few spins (hey CD players do spin y'know) it reveals its true qualities. So a big thumbs up for album number two from those cheeky scamps the Arctic Monkeys. Still not sure about the opening track (and first single) 'Brainstorm', but from 'Teddy Picker' to '505' this is a step up from Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I Am Not. More sophisticated musically, vocally, and lyrically. What more could you expect from a sophomore release?


webweaver said...

Ah - but don't they say the sophomore album is the most important album a band can make?

All that pressure to not only match your first album, but to better it, and climb to new heights of fabulousness? Oh, the pressure! The pain!

So - do you think they reached those dizzy heights? Or do you think those crazy expectations are all a load of bollocks anyway...

Peter said...

Well, I actually think the third album is the real crunchy one, that really separates the great from the just good. So the jury's still out on these guys!

Harvey Molloy said...

I've thought about buying this but for some odd reason I'm considering buying the Cold War Kids CD as I know nothing at all about the band. I did enjoy seeing their 'We used to vacation' on Alt TV (yea!) whilst ironing on Sunday. Mind you, I had the iron set for linen and was wearing a t-shirt so I guess I'm still living fast, dangerous, and on the edge, man.