Saturday, 12 May 2007

Well, I'm not sure if I am happy, actually!

Right now, in the US of A, the retirees' lobby group AARP is using The Buzzcocks' 'Everybody's Happy Nowadays' in their latest TVC.

The Fall's 'Blindness' is the soundtrack for the new ad for Mitsubishi's Outlander.

And here in NZ, there's the guitar squall from The Only One's peerless 'Another Girl, Another Planet' propping up the current Vodafone ad.

Is this a good thing, or a bad thing?


Harvey Molloy said...

I dunno. I'm a lot more accepting of music being used for ads, etc, given that burning/downloading means that musicians get paid less for selling CDs. The Outlander looks outlandishly hostile to taking global warming seriously--but I love the music and kind of think 'go for it Mark' though god knows what the band will be paid. Congrats on your interesting blog.

webweaver said...

Well of course my first thought is that it's bad - after all it is Selling Out to The Man...

And my second thought is, well, old songs, classic songs, well-loved in their time, but a wee bit dusty and unused now (except by those of us who still love them). But certainly not much of a money-earner any more so...

Why not sell them to The Man now they're all used up and make a bit of money off them all over again?